eHealth Strategy of Denmark
The Danish Ministry of Health, the Danish Ministry of Finance, Danish Regions, and Local Government Denmark have launched the new national strategy for digital health.
The new strategy focuses on digitization and use of health data in the context of prevention, care and direct treatment. In this way, health data is used for primary purposes. However, the information that is recorded and collected during daily workflows is also essential for secondary purposes, e.g. quality development, management and research, etc. within the field of healthcare. At the same time, a close collaboration across regions, municipalities and general practice will ensure visibility of activity and quality across the entire healthcare sector.
With new data-driven technologies, the primary and secondary purposes for data use complement each other more and more. Therefore, the Danish healthcare system also works strategically, among other things, with personalized medicine to strengthen reciprocity in the use of health data for treatment and research.
Denmark has a solid foundation for further digitization of the healthcare system where the goal is for citizens to experience the healthcare system as a coherent network based on a citizen-centric approach. Citizens – as patients and relatives – should be able to expect that the healthcare professionals are in possession of relevant information about their treatment, such as journal information, test answers, current medication and other practical information.
The strategy includes 27 initiatives that address five focus areas: The patient as an active partner, Knowledge on time, Prevention, Trustworthy and secure data, Progress and common building blocks.