We have different committees in our network to organize our work in a structured way. The different committees are defined in our Network agreement. To give a short overview about the tasks of our committes, we explain them in short.
The Management Secretariat (MS) prepares the Political Strategic Board and Executive Steering Committee meetings, organizes the network dissemination and maintains the network website.
It is represented by Flensburg University of Applied Sciences.
In our network eHealth for Regions, representatives from high political levels of the partner regions are represented in the Political Strategic Board (PSB).
They have the following tasks:
In the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) all important decisions are made, for example the budget of the network is administered and close cooperation between all partners is established to achieve the goals of the network. Each partner institution is respresented in the ESC.
The ESC has following tasks:
Because a network is mainly about cooperation and not only about specific roles, we want to introduce you all our members: