BaltCityPrevention – Webinar for Digital Health Enthusiasts on 1st of April 2020

Poster of BCP webinar

Webinar for Digital Health Enthusiasts

The project BaltCityPrevention organized a webinar for Digital Health Enthusiasts instead of the physical matchmaking event next week.

WHEN? 1st of April 2020; 9:00-10:45 (Estonian time, GMT +2)

WHERE? Microsoft Teams

WHO? Public health authorities, Small and medium-sized enterprises, Digital health enthusiasts

WHAT? As the digital health field keeps getting wider and more complex, it is important that different stakeholders in the industry gather to discuss common problems and find ways to tackle them. The aim is to help everyone in the sector to grow.

As part of the BaltCityPrevention project, the Estonian Family Doctors’ Society together with TalTech invites entrepreneurs and public health authorities for this webinar to discuss co-operation between stakeholders and share the experiences of project partners from 6 countries in the Baltic Sea region.

Companies from the Estonian Connected Health Cluster will share their experiences.

Come and join us if you wish to know more, weigh in your thoughts and discuss future co-operation possibilities with experts in the digital health field.


9:00 – 9:30 Joint welcome
9:30 – 9:45 Overview of Estonian governmental approaches to tackle adolescents’ lifestyle related problems
09:45 – 10:00 Estonian Health Insurance Fund & SMEs – cooperation and how to do things together
10:00 – 10:15 Pitch by Medikeep
10:15 – 10:30 Pitch by Triumf Health
10:30 -10:45 Finnish example how to make things happen in e-health sector
10:30 -10:45 Preventive Care with Health Technology – Pitch by MariCare

Once you are registered, we will send the link for the Webinar.

About BaltCityPrevention

Current prevention measures are often ineffective, since the methods are not tailored to specific user needs. In BaltCityPrevention 14 partners from 7 countries will test a more participatory and user-oriented approach to develop and implement prevention and health promotion interventions.

New technologies will be employed in the planning procedures and also as innovative tools for prevention purposes. The participation of the users and the co-creation process are key elements of this new intervention model. The prevention interventions are offered by public health authorities (e.g. health care and social departments in municipalities) and address people with different health issue.